
Each roadmap column header now has a plus sign button. By pressing it, you can select a board and add a post at once with the desired status. This should save you time if you've started a feature but haven't had time to run it through the status pipeline.


We've added the ability for the user to see all the posts they've created. In the user menu, which opens when you click on your name at the top, there is a new item: My Posts.

If the user hasn't created any posts yet, they will see the available boards where they can leave their feedback.


We haven't published an update in a while, but we've been working to improve the product all this time.

We finally passed all the Atlassian verifications and our integration with Jira is now available in Atlassian Marketplace:

And here is the documentation on how to connect Jira to your Productroad account:

We've also made many fixes and improvements:

💎 Made minor design and layout fixes
📱 Improved user experience on mobile devices
⚡️ Increased the loading speed of some parts of the app


We now send notifications to the author of the post when replying to the post and to the author of the comment when replying to the comment. It is possible to silence notifications for a certain post or unsubscribe completely.

Also, the template for all emails has been redesigned, now there is no mention of Productroad in the signature and your company name is everywhere.


We launched Zapier integration. It's in beta now but nevertheless fully ready for use.

We also upgraded the API with many new methods and the ability to create posts both on behalf of team members and users, details are available in the documentation:

We also launched a new plan, about the same features as our top rate, but in 2 times less active users and 2 times cheaper, see details on the pricing page.